Let’s make the world a better place!
Germany is celebrating the fall of the Berlin Wall, once part of the iron curtain,...
Germany is celebrating the fall of the Berlin Wall, once part of the iron curtain, today.
Personally, it was the most historic moment in my life. November 9th 1989, I sat in my car on a supermarket’s parking lot stuck to live coverage on the radio. Finally the reporter yelled into the mic: “They opened it – the Berlin Wall has finally fallen, they opened the wall!” – I listened, cried and ran into the market shouting the news!
May the World never forget the hurt, the injustice and guilt related to what once divided a city, a nation and a continent: the Berlin Wall as part of the iron curtain.
May the World always remember what man’s trust, vision and desperate desire for freedom can achieve: the fall of the Berlin Wall.
History was made in 1989 on Nov. 9th – let’s remember and use the power of that impression to make the World a better place.
Enjoy the day!