
Visions, Goals, Peak Performance!
In October 2006 the author Boris M. Riek released his book on how to strengthen personality. Its first edition is published in German and titles “Visionen, Ziele, Spitzenleistungen! Wie Sie Ihre Persönlichkeit stärken – ein Buch nicht nur für Unternehmer”

Boris M. Riek releasing his book in Frankfurt, Germany (2006)
Using unconventional methods to examine the topics of ‘realizing potential’ the author handles questions like these:
“Why is there no such thing as failure? What does the stability of a table have to do with your unused potential? Why do white rabbits play an important role in realising your personality?”
The underlying premise is that every person possesses almost unlimited potential. Boris M. Riek starts by comprehensively debunking the sorts of myths and misconceptions which hold people back.
“People need to be motivated.” “Not at all”, might be the enlightened comeback, “people are inherently motivated”. It’s about developing your own benchmarks. ‘Success’ is another myth if it’s measured solely on the basis of superficial qualities.
The book supports you in finding your own way. The crucial thing is not the methods, but the goals.
“Should I work towards a career or happiness in my private life?” Preferably both at once! The key to strong personalities lies in a framework of values which helps to avoid this kind of conflict of priorities.
Strong personalities enjoy an extraordinary quality of life and reach their goals more often and probably more easily.
The book is a rousing accompaniment to your own development process!

Boris M. Riek at Frankfurt Book Fair in Frankfurt, Germany (2006)