9/11 – fünf Jahre sind vergangen

Es ist der 11. September 2006. Kein normales Datum. Kein Datum, welches die Menschen unberührt lässt. Was aber bedeutet uns der 11. September -oder 9/11, wie die Welt es als “Marke” gelabelt hat?
Vor fünf Jahren schrieb ich das Folgende in mein Journal:
“Shock! Terror! Today, on September 11th, humanity, freedom and democracy were visciously attacked by an act of terror against the WTC-Twin Towers in NYC and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.
The unimaginable has happened. Four planes were hijacked within the same time slot and in an act of ‘kamikaze’ steered to crash into those buildings. Tens of thousands may have died, at least thousands – all civilans. People at work, families, children and all the people aboard the aircrafts. I called my friend John C. from Manhattan tonight, thank God, he was not at risk. He happened to be in California on a business trip – playing golf even. Helen S. e-mailed to my wife from Houston that she was fine, but there is shock and confusion all over in the U.S.
I will donate blood. Obviously not to directly support victims in the U.S., but I feel I need to do something and it seems a good way. I will eventually help someone in the area and it will have the meaning I give to it anyway.
Sure, life has to go on. Not business as usual, but back to business. The one question remains in my head: “What can I learn from this? How can I contribute to be able to make a difference? It has to do with people being in a state of hatred, not madness. What is the basis? Words like tolerance, education, respect and personal development come across my mind. Also courage and responsibility!
So much for now. I don’t want to indulge in the short term horrification of the event – like many people supported by the media do. I want to learn from it and take action to make a difference. I will also have to take care of my personal life though. It will have to be parallel.
I captured this so I will never forget – may God be with us!”
Fünf Jahre später lässt sich attestieren, dass 9/11 die Welt verändert hat. Inwieweit aus 9/11 eine Stärkung der Menschen bzw. der Menschheit erwachsen ist oder noch erwachsen wird liegt an unserer jeweiligen Interpretation der Geschehnisse.
Eines hat 9/11 in den westlichen Ländern in jedem Falle erneut gezeigt:
insbesondere in Zeiten der Krise dürsten Menschen nach Führung!
Dies legt Ihnen und mir auch Verantwortung auf! Geben diejenigen, die sich ihrer Verantwortung bewusst sind und an festen Werten orientiert zu handeln bereit sind, nicht die erwartete Führung, so werden die “Durstigen” ihr Bedürfnisse mit denen stillen, die sich als Führende anbieten.
Den Kritikern der Entwicklung seit 9/11/2001 sei dies ein deutlicher Appell, sich selbst stärker in Führungsverantwortung zu begeben und daran mitzuwirken, das Bild der Welt zu gestalten – mehr denn je!
In the midst of death, life continues;
in the midst of untruth, truth continues;
in the midst of injustice, justice continues;
and in all darkness, there is light.
- Mahatma Gandhi
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